The efficiency of large companies and organizations largely depends on optimizing business processes and corporate governance. This article is an overview of the leading board portal solutions that can automate the activity of the board of directors.

Convenient board management with board portal software

If your organization’s business processes are built or heavily dependent on collaboration, whether regular or unscheduled meetings, training or testing, or resolving emergencies or crises, but there is no automated system for conducting such events, document management efficiency decreases, and temporary costs. Therefore, modern companies implement new digital solutions to solve these problems. The board portal software allows you to automate operations for planning, organizing, and conducting board meetings (telephone, video, and multimedia) for effective resolution of everyday issues and prompt response to emergency situations.

Using board portal solutions for organizing board management ensures:

  • ability to use multiple means of communication – phone, video, web, and IM;
  • automation of the organization and holding of meetings;
  • board of directors succession planning and reserving resources;
  • notification of participants about the dates, program, and materials of the meeting;
  • gathering of meeting participants in a virtual meeting room;
  • holding urgent meetings to resolve operational issues;
  • joint work with documents and materials of the meeting;
  • control of access and participation of employees in meetings;
  • meeting management and monitoring;
  • keeping records of negotiations and web content.

The board portal software will ensure the efficiency of the work of collegiate bodies of large distributed organizations and help make quick and informed decisions thanks to the remote meeting. Thanks to the integration with other information systems, it allows organizing the end-to-end process of the work of collegiate bodies and monitoring the implementation of decisions of meetings.

The roundup of 3 of the best board portals

We have determined the roundup of 3 of the most popular board management solutions:

  1. Boardable

It is a complete solution for organizing and conducting meetings through audio and video conferencing and web conferencing using a web browser for file sharing. The core of the resource management system is the audio conferencing server, which provides a scalable solution from 30 to 960 subscribers. Additional software modules running on the Windows platform are responsible for interfacing with a video system, sending e-mail notifications, integrating calendars in Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes, and collaborating with documents and applications.

  1. Diligent

The program can be used to support a wide range of meetings of various types, including service, production, information, coordination, operational, meetings of scientific and technical councils, problem meetings, mixed and combined meetings, etc. In this software, the agenda of each meeting may contain one or more topics, one or more questions can be asked on each topic, and one or more instructions can be generated for the meeting participants or other performers. For each meeting, following the specified agenda structure, minutes of the meeting are created and printed.

  1. Govenda

Attributes of the online board meeting are the agenda, the list of participants, the leader and secretary of the meeting, and the time and place of the meeting. All these actions can be done automatically with the help of the software. The board meeting results are recorded in the minutes, reflecting the course of consideration and the decisions taken on issues and instructions on the agenda. This solution allows you to build transparent and productive communication between the board members and ensures voting systems, chats, and well-organized document management.